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Frequently asked questions about

What is

A. We are an online retailer of fine French groceries and other French products, established in 2008. You can order online and choose a delivery day if you're in the UK. We also deliver all over the world and offer collection from our London based warehouse.

Q. Do you have a shop I can visit?

A. No, But you can order online and collect from the warehouse. There is a free collection option on the delivery options page. Collection is available Monday to Friday 0900-1730.

Q. Do sell frozen items?

A. No, all our items are fresh, we don't sell any frozen products.

Q. How can I get a more accurate delivery time for my Order?

A. You will receive e-mail updates from our couriers, or Stream if you're in our London area, usually with a 1-2 hour delivery window.

Q. Can I collect my order at your warehouse in SW19 

A. Yes, please select the "collection from warehouse" delivery option on the checkout page and contact us to arrange a day and time to collect.

Q. How can re-order the same items easily?

A. You can fill your basket with an entire previous order by going to view your order / billing history and clicking the re-order link under the order that you want. This will replace anything you currently have in your basket with the previous order. You need to be logged in to use these features. The express list will keep a list of items that are frequently purchased and you can copy items from the express list directly to your shopping basket.  

Q. Why does your website ask for a start date for my Maestro card when it doesn’t have one?

A. If your card does not have a start date please ignore the option on the checkout page. It will not be checked by the bank and your transaction will be allowed to go through normally.

Q. Can you get a product you don't already sell for me?

A. Please fill in our product suggestion form and we will let you know. We have a large range of products available to us. The form can be found here

Q. Do you have a Commercial Product List?

A. No we don't, we can do custom lists though if you give us your detailed requirements.

Q. Why does my Invoice not show my xx% Discount 

A. Our discounts are calculated as a discount on each item price and you should be able to see the discount against the normal price. Please check your card statement and get in contact if you are concerned.