Ingrédients: Estomac, chaudin, rosette, gras et couenne de porc, MOUTARDE (eau, graines de MOUTARDE, vinaigre, sel, conservateur : BISULFITE de sodium), sel, vinaigre, plantes aromatiques, épices, conservateur : nitrite de sodium. Boyau naturel de porc.
(CHAR) L'Atout Prix Andouillettes (x4) 500g
Ingredients: Stomach, chaudin, rosette, fat and pork rind, MUSTARD (water, MUSTARD seeds, vinegar, salt, preservative: Sodium bisulfite), salt, vinegar, herbs, spices, preservative: sodium nitrite. Natural pork gut
L'Atout Prix Andouillettes (x4) 500g
Andouillette is a coarse-grained smoked tripe sausage made with pork, chitterlings, pepper,wine, onions, and seasonings.
The texture is somewhat rougher than sausages, as the content is roughly cut. Primarily pan-fried, it can also be barbecued or grilled. It goes very well with a variety of mustards.
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Delicious hors-d'oeuvre to Sunday lunch!
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Bit of an acquired taste, I imagine. Rather reminiscent of haggis. Similar flavour and consistency to some haggis that I had once. Not the sort of thing I would buy again but it might suit some tastes. Only you can tell whether you would like it yourself.
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They are lovely! Fry them on a low heat to minimise risk of splitting. Eat with lots of mustard or horseradish.
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