Ingredients: Sang de porc, oignons, gras de porc, purée de pommes 11.6%, couenne, sucre, sel, épices et plantes aromatiques. Enveloppe : boyau naturel de porc.
(CHAR) Bahier Black Pudding With Apple (x3) 375g
Ingredients: Pork blood, onions, pork fat, applesauce 11.6%, rind, sugar, salt, spices and herbs. Envelope: natural pork casing.
Bahier Boudin Noir Aux Pommes (x3) 375g
Delicious served with golden-brown potatoes
More Products From: Bahier
Delicious boudin. Very different from what we call 'black pudding'. The French boudin is light in texture (there is no flour in it), aromatic and has a fantastic taste thanks to the apples and onions in the mix. It is also very rich in iron and not too fatty. A truly delicious product, hot or cold (the best way to cook it, in my view, is to fry it gently for about 5mn on each side but cold left overs are delicious too).
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Brings back memories of Belgian cafe life. These are the real thing, tasty and not salty. Happy days!
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