Ingrédients Crème frangipane 36% (sucre, BEURRE pâtissier, AMANDES* en poudre 5,6%, eau, farine de BLE 4.5%, OEUFS frais, poudre de LAIT écrémé, poudres à lever : carbonates de sodium et citrates de sodium, arôme naturel d'AMANDE) - Farine de BLE 36% - BEURRE pâtissier - Eau - Lactoserum (LAIT) et protéines de LAIT - OEUFS frais - Sel - Agent de traitement de la farine: L-cystéine. * Amandes d'origine Californie. Ce produit contient : BEURRE, AMANDES, BLÉ, OEUFS, LAIT. Type d'allergènes fruit à coque , lait , céréales contenant du gluten , oeufs amandes, oeufs, gluten, lait, blé, beurre
(CDES) Pasquier Butter "Galette des Rois" with Frangipane 400g
Frangipane cream 36% (sugar, pastry BUTTER, ALMONDS* powder 5.6%, water, WHEAT flour 4.5%, fresh EGGS, skimmed MILK powder, raising agents: sodium carbonates and citrates sodium, natural ALMOND flavor) - WHEAT flour 36% - Pastry BUTTER - Water - Whey (MILK) and MILK proteins - Fresh EGGS - Salt - Flour treatment agent: L-cysteine. * Almonds of California origin. This product contains: BUTTER, ALMONDS, WHEAT, EGGS, MILK.
Type of allergens
nuts, milk, cereals containing gluten, eggs
almonds, eggs, gluten, milk, wheat, butter
Pasquier Galette des Rois Pur Beurre Fourree a la Frangipane 400g
The special galette des rois is for the Fête des Rois on or around the 6th January, (the first Sunday of each New Year) which dates back to the 14th century.
The festival takes place around Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas, when the wise men visited baby Jesus. According to tradition, the ‘galette des rois’, was to "draw the kings" to the Epiphany.
it goes rather well with a cup of tea or a glass or two of white wine. It is traditionally divided into enough portions for all the people present plus one more for the first poor person that passes by. A lucky charm (une fève - originally a bean but now more often a plastic trinket) is baked inside the galette, and whoever receives the fève is crowned king or queen for the day. It is the perfect opportunity to invite family and friends or maybe get together with those neighbors you haven’t yet met!
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