Sucre-sirop de glucose à haute teneur en fructose-eau des Alpes- jus de fruits à base de concentrés (11% dont 8 % de fruits rouges : framboise, sureau, groseille, cassis)-acidifiant : acide citrique-arômes. Sans colorant.
(BOIS) Teisseire Grenadine Fruit Cordial 60cl
Sugar-syrup of glucose with high content fructose-water of the Alps fruit juice containing concentrates (11% including red fruit 8%: raspberry, elder tree, currant, blackcurrant) - acidifier: acid citric-flavors. Without dye.
Teisseire Sirop de Fruits Grenadine 60cl
Since 1720, Teisseire have developed a great reputation by selecting the best fruit juices and plant extracts. Without artificial preservatives.
More Products From: Teisseire
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I love this product - it is so versatile and will last a long time is kept in the fridge. You can use it as a mixer - or better still with milk (like a milkshake) or with tonic for something a bit different.
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